Classic Audio Electronic Repairs

If you are considering sending your equipment to us for repairs, please read our below repair policies and packing instructions before contacting us.

Soundsmith has an extremely long history restoring gear – over 50 years. We perform FULL restorations, not Band-Aid partial work with a flimsy warranty. We warranty the entire unit in most cases for one full year.

Most Common Questions and Answers

Q: How can Soundsmith provide that kind of warranty when no one else does?
A: We insist on working at a high level of performance and professionalism – no compromises. Our vast history of service and service records allows us to do this.  If you want to enjoy your classic gear for years to come,  we are here to make that happen for you. Every unit we work on is modified to remove all known weak links in the design – period.

Q: How do I go about understanding your policies with respect to charges, and how do I send it to you?
A: We place a maximum or limit on each piece for full restoration, and will do our work for that amount or less. If we find while working on any unit that it would go over that maximum, we will contact you. If you do not wish the repair done at that time, there is no charge for our labor or parts. To send it to us, you must contact us for an RA, and get packing instructions.

Q: Does Soundsmith restore units that others have “looked at”, or said after looking at it, they “can’t get parts”, or were unsuccessful at repairing?
A: Unfortunately, no. There are many butchers and "wannabe's" out there, more so now than ever, and we don’t need to see more of their work. We cannot place a one year full unit warranty on anything someone has poked around in. Do we waive our warranty ? Never.

Online, Ebay or other purchases of units bought from private parties that "only played church music on Sundays by an elderly person very quietly", are always questionable. These online sales are often for butchered gear sold WITHOUT WARRANTY.  Please be honest with us if you want to be and remain in good standing with us into the future. If you are NOT the original owner, and you don't know the history or if the unit has been "looked at but they didn't do anything" (which translated, means they butchered it and will be glad to see you  leave their facility) -  or worked on, Please TELL US so we can decide on a case by case basis. If we decide to accept a given piece and find the unit has been "looked at" badly, we reserve the right to not restore it,  and you will be charged a one hour fee. ($110).

Q: Will you work on something someone has been into and forgo your warranty?
A: No. Sorry. A failed repair or repair attempt by someone else almost always means butchered gear - or damage we may not be able to find -  and always results in unhappy customers and our engineers. Life is short. We like pleasing our customers, and our time (and yours) is valuable.

Peter Ledermann / Chief Engineer / President

They Said What?

" ... it's not even close, as I've never heard any other phono cartridge deliver this type of monstrous sound and flat frequency response without having at least some distracting artifacts. Perhaps the music was simply too engrossing to be able to pin down anything other than the music being reproduced with such a connection to the source. The delivery system seemed to disappear, leaving only music."

- Tom Lyle, Enjoy The Music .com

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Contact Info

Soundsmith HQ
8 John Walsh Blvd
Suite 417
Peekskill, NY 10566

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Logistics and General Inquiries:
Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885